CASTLE provides professional technical services supporting organisations that invest in and develop Industrial Projects.
Our company offers a range of specialized services starting from the feasibility study finishing with the supervision of the investment establishment and the follow up of production operations.
OUR MISSION is to generate value for our Clients by rendering services of excellence and Best Industrial Practice. Our targets will be achieved by developing strategies that focuse on competencies, professional growth of employees within a sustainable and ethic business philosophy, by keeping a continuous monitoring on all our processes in respect of Health, Safety, Environment and Quality.
Castle services are target oriented and focused on the final return of investments.
We believe that our strength is in the people of the Company, in their growth in competences, experience, knowledge and flexibility to adapt to the challenges of the Modern Economy and the capability to improve and enhance our performance in continuous and dynamic way.
It’s our ambitious target to be a fostering subject of development in the contest of the environment we are operating, firstly by the dissemination of our Values and Management practice.